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Align Multiple Skills and Ability Requirements
to Meet Job Performance Needs

See Job Roles

PerformanceFIT Job Roles allow organizations to tap into pre-defined test sets or to customize batteries of assessments to rapidly and effectively identify skills required for a given job function. Each PerformanceFIT Job Role includes a selection of core skills, as well as "elective" skills that employees can choose from based on their specific needs. Developed using the O*NET classification system of the U.S. Department of Labor and PerformanceFIT subject matter experts, PerformanceFIT Job Roles provide a flexible framework for objectively measuring and improving skills related to all facets of job performance.

Provide a Framework for Continuous Skills Improvement
PerformanceFIT Job Roles help each employee establish a roadmap for improvement across multiple skills. Each job role provides online access to relevant skills assessments and learning. Employees can repeat assessments as needed to track skills improvement. The result: PerformanceFIT Job Roles can facilitate skills improvement by providing employees with repeatable online assessments and access to learning resources.

Validate Employee Skills for Customers and Partners with Job Role Certification
In addition to skills assessments, PerformanceFIT Job Roles also offer opportunities for Job Role Certification. While a single skills assessment may prove that employees are competent in a particular skill, a PerformanceFIT Job Role Certification can help organizations show that each employee is qualified for the job, with a complete array of skills needed for success.

Help Employees Achieve Balanced Career-Oriented Skills Improvement
PerformanceFIT Job Roles helps employees develop and demonstrate the combination of fundamental knowledge and select specified skills to do the job right. Assessments can be repeated, and scores help employees track progress toward meeting their key skills objectives.

Create Highly Actionable Competency Models
PerformanceFIT Job Roles can significantly reduce the time required to create and implement competency models, compared to traditional methods. Based on PerformanceFIT Job Roles, employees can lake online tests to assess their skill levels in critical and complementary job-related subjects.

Standard and Customized Job Role Certifications
PerformanceFIT provides certification for today's leading job roles, and new certifications are added constantly. Skills for each module are chosen from a wide variety of subjects that span across multiple categories. In addition, any of the roles can be customized to meet an organization's specific goals.

Current pre-defined PerformanceFIT Job Roles include:
.NET Programmer
Administrative Assistant
C++ Programmer
Computer End-User Support Specialist
Computer Programmer
Customer Service Representative
Database Administrator
Financial Analyst
Human Resources Manager
Human Resources Professional
Information Security Administrator
IT Business Analyst
IT Manager
Java Programmer
Knowledge Worker
Legal Secretary
Linux System Administrator
Mainframe Programmer
Market Research Analyst
Medical Secretary
Medical Transcriptionist
Network Administrator
Network Support Specialist
Office Manager
Product Manager
Project Manager
Sales Professional
Software Quality Analyst
Software Tester
Systems Architect
Technical Trainer (IT)
Technical Writer
Telecommunications Specialist
UNIX System Administrator
Web Administrator (BCIP)
Web Designer (BCIP)
Web Developer (BCIP)
Windows Application Developer
Windows System Administrator