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Brainbench Consulting Services

We are committed to working with our clients to seamlessly integrate assessments throughout the employee recruitment life cycle. The Brainbench approach is built around a flexible process (outlined below) that combines content and technology into a single comprehensive solution. When deploying a solution, Brainbench takes an enterprise view of the requirements, and routinely Partners with industry leading content and administration providers. Contact the Brainbench Consulting Services team to learn how we help Government and corporate customers capitalize on our content, administration, and integration capabilities.

Plan - Assess - Select - Optimize
Process Overview Diagram

PlanningPlanning symbol

This phase guides you through the implementation of the selection program, using a multi-phased methodology that includes planning, design, development, and optimization. Read more

Assessment Development Assessment Development symbol

This phase leverages our Assessment Battery capabilities, to deploy and manage a wide array of assessment types through a single user interface, which can include the following:  Read more

Job Analysis

Report to be used in the selection process that outlines the duties, responsibilities, education and work experience that are required for a particular job.

Custom Assessments

Customer-specific assessments based on a combination of existing skills, personality, essay or language assessments or customer-provided content.

Interview Guides

Dynamic guides that contain questions and answers that are linked to a candidate's assessment results.

Assessment Process Selection Process symbol

This phase integrates an assessment within an existing enterprise application, or develops an interface that is unique to an organization and can include the following:Read more

Needs Analysis

Baseline of an existing selection process and the development/enhancement of a new process.

Assessment Delivery

Customer-determined method of assessment administration. Can be either web-based or through a proctored facility.

Technical Integration

Seamless integration with your ATS, LMS, HRIS and customized to your "look and feel".

Optimize Optimize symbol

This phase allows us to continuously evaluate the performance of the selection program and make modifications to enhance its performance, as needed.Read more