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Negotiation Strategy
Our Negotiation Strategy test measures your knowledge of win-win negotiating. The exam and principles are based on the book "Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In" by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton, second edition. Designed for all types of negotiators, this test includes the following topics: Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA), Communications, Dealing With People, Durable Agreements, Interests vs Positions, Inventing Options For Mutual Gain, Positional Bargaining vs. Principled Negotiation, Strategy and Tactics, and Use of Objective Criteria.
Test Outline

Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)
Common Mistakes
Identifying the Other Side's BATNA
Identifying Your BATNA
Selecting and Improving Your BATNA
Ways to Deal with the Other Side's BATNA
Building Relationships
Common Mistakes
Countermeasures if the Relationship Goes Wrong
Identifying Assumptions
Starting the Negotiation
Substantive vs. Relationship Issues
Active Listening
Tactics for "Reframing" Opponents Communication
Testing Assumptions
Dealing With People
Adjusting Negotiation Style for Culture
Adjusting Negotiation Style for Gender
Countermeasures if the Person Is the Problem
Separating the People from the Problem
Durable Agreements
Common Mistakes
Identify Issues to Be Included in Agreement
Process Commitments
Tactics for Getting Commitment
Tactics for Making a Final Offer
Tactics in the Drafting the Agreement
Interests vs. Positions
Clarifying Interests
Common Mistakes
Identifying Relevant Parties
Probing for Underlying Interests
Inventing Options for Mutual Gain
Common Mistakes
Creating Options to Meet Interests
Ways to Maximize Joint Gain
Positional Bargaining vs. Principled Negotiation
Advantages of Principled Negotiation
Distinguishing Interests from Positions
First Offer/Starting Figure Issues
Reasons for Positional Bargaining
Steps/Sequence in Win-Win Negotiations
Strategy and Tactics
Common Mistakes
Countermeasures for Deliberate Deception
Countermeasures for Positional Pressure
Countermeasures for Psychological Warfare
Tactics to Enhance Your Negotiating Power
Use of Objective Criteria
Advantages of Standards
Common Mistakes
Use of External Standards
Use of Process Fairness to Persuade