Hibernate 3.x
Description: Our Hibernate 3.x test measures knowledge of and ability to use Hibernate 3.x in a software development environment. Designed for experienced users, this test covers the following topics: Configuration and Integration, Criteria API, Hibernate Objects, Hibernate Query Language (HQL), Interceptors and Events, Object/Relational Mapping, Performance Improvement, Relationships and Inheritance, and Transactions and Concurrency.
- Configuration and Integration
- Java EE Services Integration
- Properties File
- SQL Dialects
- XML File
| - Criteria API
- Criteria Queries
- Projections and Aggregates
- Query by Example
- Restrictions Usage
- Traversing Associations and Joins
| - Hibernate Objects
- Data Filters
- Java Persistence API
- Object Identity and Equality
- Object States and Persistent Lifecycle
- Persistence Manager API
| - Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
- Bulk Updates and Deletes
- HQL Queries/Select Clause/Where Clause
- Joins/Reporting Queries/Subselects
- Named and Entity Parameters
- Native SQL
| - Interceptors and Events
- Declarative Security
- Event Listeners
- Interceptor Types and Implementation
| - Object/Relational Mapping
- Collections of Components
- ID Generators
- Mapping Collections with Annotations
- Value Types
| - Performance Improvement
- Collections Usage
- Fetching Strategies
- Query Cache
- Second Level Cache
| - Relationships and Inheritance
- Entity Relationships
- Inheritance Mapping Strategies
- Uni- and Bi-directional Relationships
| - Transactions and Concurrency
- ACID Properties
- Concurrent Access Control
- Database and System Transactions
- Exception Handling
- Session and Transaction Scopes
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