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Hundreds of thousands of unique visitors assess their skills online with Brainbench every month, enabling you to reach a large audience of skilled professionals. Brainbench has diverse online and offline advertising and co-marketing opportunities.

You may call us at (703) 674-3466, or e-mail us at
Online Banner Ads
Brainbench receives over 5,000,000 page views per month creating an effective vehicle for your message. Please inquire about exclusive site sponsorship opportunities.
Opt-in Co-registration
Brainbench acquires thousands of new customers each month. An advertiser may insert a 100x21pixel logo and two sentences: 180 total characters on a Brainbench Registration Page. Each user that opts-in for the advertiser's product will be included in an e-mail file and sent to the advertiser once a week. Data available for delivery to the advertiser includes first name, last name, e-mail address, and postal address.
Direct Mail and E-mail List Rental
Use the ultimate tool for targeted, personalized, marketing communications. Brainbench makes its opt-in and endorsed e-mail files available to select marketing partners on a one-time-use rental basis and in accordance with the published privacy policy. An authorized agent professionally manages delivery, opt-outs, and reporting. The direct mail file of clean addresses is updated monthly and is highly selectable. Please call (703) 674-3466 for details.
E-mail Newsletter Ads
Opt-in text newsletters that keep Brainbench users in touch with online testing news, career development, and company highlights. Our newsletters are very popular and provide an excellent opportunity to get your company and products in front of a large audience of skilled professionals.
Direct Mail Inserts
Brainbench's direct mail inserts are delivered to our "Brainbench Certified" customers. When our customers pass a Brainbench Certification™ they receive a hardcopy certificate, which can include your insert. This is a highly targeted and "pre-qualified" audience of skilled professionals who have scored a 2.75 or higher (max of 5.0) on any Brainbench Certification™ test.

For more information on advertising opportunities and rates, please call (703) 674-3466 or e-mail us at

Target your message and achieve greater response from your target market — Advertise with Brainbench.
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