Brainbench Beta Tests
As Brainbench develops tests, we place them in "Pre-Release (Beta)" status to collect valuable statistics and to obtain test taker feedback. A test is not taken out of Pre-Release (Beta) and placed into production until it is fully validated.
You can help us "test our tests" by clicking on any of the Pre-Release (Beta) names below. You will be given two test modules related to the same subject. You may see duplicate questions. This is a normal and expected part of our beta testing process (repeated items help us assess test reliability).
Our tests are designed to examine people of all levels. Test results are provided on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is the highest possible score. As you test, you can provide comments on each question. We encourage you to do so, since we often make changes based upon your feedback.
Please be aware that these tests are still under construction, so you will NOT receive a certificate for them.