Java - EJB 2.0
Description: Our Java - Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) 2.0 test measures your knowledge of programming using Enterprise Java Beans. Designed for experienced programmers, this test includes the following topics: Architecture, Deployment/Integration, Design, Development, Entity Beans/BMP, Entity Beans/C, Message-Driven Beans, Security, Session Beans, and Transactions.
- Architecture
- Bean/Container Contract
- Distributed Environments/Protocols
- EJB Containers/Servers
- EJB Roles/Workflow
- EJB Types (E/M/S Beans)
- Deployment/Integration
- Bean Refs, Environment
- Descriptor Files
- Jar Files
- Resource Managers
- System Integration
- Design
- Basic EJB Patterns
- Object-Relational Mapping
- Objects by Value
- Performance, Granularity
- Development
- Accessing a Bean/Handles
- Bean Exceptions
- javax.ejb Package
- Remote/Local Interfaces
- Entity Beans/BMP
- BMP Development
- EB Lifecycle
- Finder Methods
- Primary Keys
- Entity Beans/CMP
- CMP Development
- CMP vs BMP
- Container Managed Relationships
- Message-Driven Beans
- Advanced MDB
- JMS Integration
- MDB Lifecycle
- Security
- Declarative
- Programmatic
- Propagation, Run Modes
- Security Roles/Refs
- Session Beans
- SB Lifecycle
- Stateful Session Beans
- Stateless Session Beans
- Transactions
- ACID Properties, JTS/JTA
- Container-Managed Transactions
- Exception Scenarios
- Explicit Transactions
- Interaction, Coordination
- Isolation Levels
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