Pre-Employment Screening Tests and Testing Products
Download our Assessment Catalog (PDF) that includes:
- More than 600 assessments
- Assessment types such as Skills, Knowledge, Personality Tests, and more
- Job types such as Administration, Call Center, Finance, Health, IT, and more
(350KB PDF)
Quick Reference Test Lists (All lists are in PDF format)
Products Overview
Knowledge, Skills, Abilities
Our 500 different knowledge, skills, and abilities tests help you
evaluate how much training your candidates will need to become productive. Results include
absolute scores (1-5), percentile scores, and strengths/ weaknesses.
Sample Report
Price List
Unlike most others, our pre-hire personality assessments are designed specifically for hiring.
Evaluate your applicants against pre-configured job profiles for insight on Job-Fit, Attitude Towards Work,
Productivity, and Reliability.
Sample Report*
Price List
Employment History
Survey (Biodata)
These assessments apply the age-old rule that past behavior
is the best predictor of future behavior. Does the candidate show up for work on time,
change jobs a lot, direct their own professional development? Excellent pre-screening, too.
Sample Report*
Price List
Software Simulations
Our software simulations actually have the candidate simulate
using the software to accomplish tasks. Results are similar to Skills tests.
Sample Screen
Price List
Speaking, Writing, Listening
Our speaking tests use voice recognition to evaluate how a candidate speaks
English or Spanish over the telephone. Our listening tests evaluate their ability to understand what they
are hearing. Our writing tests use advanced technology to evaluate their writing, not just punctuation and
grammar, but conciseness and quality.
Price List
Interview Guides
The real moment of truth in evaluating a candidate is the interview.
Yet, most interviewers are not prepared or trained to interview effectively. Our interview guides
are designed to help the interviewer maximize the value of the interview.
All Interview Guides
Sample Report*
Custom Assessments & Consulting Services
Our industrial/ organizational psychologists are available to
assist you with key tasks, including assessment of current processes, job analysis, and
custom test development.
Contact Center Audit*
Sales Audit*
Consulting Services Home
Proctored Administration
For customers seeking to administer assessments within a proctored environment, Brainbench has partnered with LaserGrade. Through this partnership, Brainbench customers can deliver their exams at select locations throughout the US, Canada and overseas.
*Files are in PDF format.